Explaining the Unexplainable


What is depression?
This is hard to answer
You see
No one on the outside looking in
Will ever be able to completely understand
But I’ll try my best

Depression is a disease that feasts on your brain
It eats at your hope
Taking it before it can ever reach you
Telling you every small thing
Is a big thing
Telling you nothing will ever change
Nothing will ever get better
So stop trying
There’s no point in trying

Depression is almost missing the bus
Because it took you half an hour to convince yourself to get out of bed
Not because you’re lazy
But because you lack motivation
You lack energy
And everything feels pointless

Depression is walking around the hallways on auto pilot
A plastic smile
Plastered to your face
Praying no one will notice your tired eyes
Or the downward twitch of your lips

It’s laughing with your friends
When you don’t feel like laughing
It’s being terrified they hate you
Or are annoyed by you
Or just tolerate you
Rather than actually like you
Because it tells you that you are worthless and nobody cares

It’s needing to be loved and reminded
Over and over
That you are
And that you matter
And still not believing it

It’s all the times you’ve said
“I’m fine, just tired, just stressed,”
“I’m okay really,”
When inside you are fighting
To not break down on the spot
When you are fighting to move your feet
Your feet which you honestly do not trust
To hit the floor in the mornings
Without shattering on impact
Your body following it

It’s having a panic attack in the shower through your sobs
It’s crying yourself to sleep
It’s struggling with sending your friend a text when you are struggling
You don’t want to be seeking attention
It’s having no self control
It’s being constantly afraid of what the people around you are thinking

It’s never knowing
It’s spending each day
Walking on eggshells
You won’t break
they won’t see that you are weak
you can get through another day
Without incident
Without a full on episode
It’s feeling completely alone
While standing in a sea of people
It’s the thing that constantly demands attention
It demands to be written
To be noticed
To be heard
When you just want it to go away

Depression is
feeling unsafe in your own skin


[come again another day]

by Katie-Beth Craig


sometimes i remember what the rain used to sound like

when it pattered on windows

washed out my sorrows

you would sit there by me on the couch

we would say nothing

not awkward but at peace

our broken pieces whole when we were together

oh how i miss those days.

your arms around my waist

tranquility between our hearts  

i would tell you how glad i was you existed

thriving thoughts grew between our intertwined fingers

but i wish they grew in our hearts

you asked why i have trust issues

and i told you that all the people i’ve ever loved left me

fingers break easily and splints

can’t fix hours worth of secrets

rooted in a false trust

told just because we wanted validation

i wanted validation

but plants can’t feel

anything except for the direction of the sun

and i guess i am that rainy day


so are you

but we always look for something the opposite of ourselves

don’t we?

you were never too busy i just wasn’t a priority

but you can’t force relationships because sometimes

the people we want so f******* bad aren’t the people we need

so why don’t you go relax on a miami beach

while i sit here

on this couch


crumbs of sodium and carbs sinking into the cracks





telling myself sometimes it’s better to let go

then to kill yourself by holding on

the rain

that sound

that peace

that piece




remember what the rain used to sound like?

me neither.

i guess that’s just how time passes.


By Kathryn Gibralter


And I hate you

I hate you so much

I hate that you keep coming back

I hate you for coming back into my life

I hate you for having that smile, with the dimple on your left cheek

I hate you for moving on


I hate you for lingering in the back of my mind

I hate you for crushing my soul.

I hate you for playing tricks on my heart.

I hate you for everything you said to me that night

There was no feelings

No attraction

No spark

Not anymore


I hate you for ignoring me

For blowing me off

But I especially hate myself for falling back into your trap

I hate that everything reminds me of you

I hate that in the back of my mind

We weren’t over


I hate that I gave you something so fragile

And the next moment you tripped over doubt and stress

Scattered across the floor

And dropped it.


And as I was screaming from the pain

Crying, and whimpering for you to pick up the pieces

To get a broom or something


You left

And came back with a vacuum

And sucked the pieces up and threw them away,

Instead of trying to put them back together

Instead of giving them back to me.


And as you gave me a half hearted sorry and shuffled out the door

I waited.

I waited till I heard your dingy old truck pull out of the driveway

And I carefully picked the pieces out of the trash

And glued them back together

By myself.

So you coming back into my life doesn’t equate in my mind.

Even if you have moved on.

Even if you just want to say hi.



I don’t think that my heart can take anymore.

I don’t want to have to pick up the pieces again.


[stop mistaking pretty for perfect]

By Katie-Beth Craig


when did beauty become exclusive?

funny how our idea of perfection went from our mothers faces

to surgically altered mannequins

to think that the definition of a pretty person

isn’t even human in reality

you stand in the mirror and look at your stretch marks

like they are scars rather than assets

you put on foundation only to add blush and contour

adding color to the color you just took away

because it was in the wrong places.

but maybe your freckles aren’t what’s in the wrong place

look around

people’s sexuality is used as an insult

like your opinion of who I am attracted to is

something that should offend me

look around

the boy who says he is grounded in Jesus’ name

calls the nicest girl he doesn’t even know “god damn ugly”

I thought you weren’t supposed to use God’s name in vain

I thought all God’s creations were made to be beautiful


look around

our society is a contradiction

grounded in fake self-righteousness

that’s why your freckles

your stretch marks

your wrinkles

your blackheads

your beauty

is there

to remind you every time you look in that mirror

that the reflection you’re seeing is what

beauty is supposed to look like

and if you don’t see that then why don’t you buy a new mirror

stare at yourself a little longer

and ignore the people you think are staring at your perceived flaws

they’re only staring to try to fill their eyes with something


because someone at some point has ripped it out of them

stop thinking your pictures need a certain amount of likes

a thumbs up and little red heart should not be validations of love

or acceptance

the only validation you need

is from yourself

you are a masterpiece

stop telling yourself you are anything less

vanity is not the same thing as self-worth

and you are worth more than any item you’ve ever bought

to make you feel “pretty”

beauty shouldn’t be as hard as you make it to be

so don’t make it as hard

and if pretty is all it’s cut out to be

then I don’t want to be pretty

because I want to be worth something more.

For you

By Kathryn Gibralter


She came into your life again.


Tried to, at least.


And I don’t know how to feel about it.


She told you she wasn’t lying,

And you believed her.


She told you she wanted you back,

And you didn’t know what to think.


She told you she didn’t cheat,

And I saw you become so confused.


And when I asked if you still wanted her

You gave me a look

And said

“I don’t know”


But I saw you consider it

I saw you weigh your options


And that broke me a little.


But I hid it well

Because the moment I saw you that day

I saw how you weren’t okay

I saw how your eyes were glassy

Hair disheveled

And bags that indicated you had been up all night.


And when you said you were okay

And I told you I knew you weren’t

You broke more than I did

And I had to be strong


When we talked I could hear the struggle in your voice

Like you didn’t know what to do

Or feel

Or think

And I felt foolish for trying to convince you to love me


Because I knew you loved her

You still do sometimes


Love her.


And it breaks me to see you break over her breaking


It’s a vicious cycle


Because no matter how long you’re in pain

I’ll be in pain.


And I hate pain.


I hate how she’s got a grip on you

I hate that she might be telling you the truth

I hate how you don’t see me




I only


see you


And for what’s it’s worth,

The only thing that I don’t hate

When it comes to her

Is that

At one time

She made you happy

And that’s what I want for you




So if you do

Go back to her

Know that I’ll support you

Even if it kills me


Because if she does make you happy

Then I’ll be okay

I’ll find someone else


Even if I don’t want to

Even if I have to search the world

Even though the one I want is never going to be anyone but you


I’ll do it.


For you


By Kalee Farrell


Tiny little things

Used to tell stories

To express love

And praise

They seem harmless

But they’re not

Not always

And I wonder why something so beautiful

Is made into a weapon

Sharp knives used to tear people down

Bullets to leave a hole in ones heart

Arrows to stick in the stomach


They cause so much pain

Spit from wicked tongues that don’t know what they’re saying

We drop these bombs like they’re nothing

We stare at the damage from the explosion

But somehow we are blind to it

Words are torture tools we are not aware we possess


We are careless


Weapons do not belong in the hands of the ignorant

That is how wars are started

We care surrounded by wars


Our classroom- battlefields

Offices- battlefields

High school cafeteria- battlefields

This world- a giant battlefield


All of this terror,

All of this hurt,

All of this pain,

All caused by words.

The Author Series

The Author #1: The Author of the Isle

By Coltrane Tolleson

A blank sea

I travel you

Wondering around what you could hold

Waves upon waves of free verse

A fish of organic make belief

A beach I see

It grows ever so great

It comes to me instead

The sand is my own question

I walk to a cove that produces a statement in mind


A storm of thoughts

I tell when I see your tsunami

It is nothing but a collaboration of other works

It lands in your shore of great detail


Sea of art

I wish to escape

Flooding my mind verse on verse

The water takes me I am overwhelmed


What you could hold

Great Author of the Isle

Continue reading

Passive Aggressive

By: Kalee Farrell


Ever since I was little

I believed in you

Hoped and prayed things would get better

That you would get better

At first for your sake

Then for my mom’s and my aunts and my uncle’s sake

Now I have just given up

Because God has the power to heal and redeem

But sadly, if you don’t want it

It won’t happen

And I don’t think you will ever want it


You only see your pain

Sometimes real

Most of the time made up

And I don’t know completely how your childhood was

I don’t know, nor do I understand what has caused you to be this way

What I do know, or at least partly know, is the effect you have had on your children

And their children

See, you have made yourself a never healing scar on the backs of your offspring

Something hidden

But still felt

It cannot be ignored

You cannot be ignored


You speak a language called passive aggressive

Trying to drill cruel words and insults into your children’s minds and hearts without being obvious

Leaving them hurt and insecure

Their souls locked in a cage

Their wings clipped

Constantly in pain

Knowing their life could have been different

They could have been happier had their mother not snipped every shred of confidence that once resided inside of them


Does it mean nothing to you that you have caused so much pain and damage?!

That you have left so much wake in your path?

Or can you only see yourself?

No one is denying that you have been hurt

And you have been hurting

But that is no excuse for the way you have treated people you claim to love

I have watched my mother cry over you

Over the fact a good relationship with you seems to be impossible

And that is not okay

You are a mother

You are supposed to wipe away tears

Not cause them


And I watch as over and over they let you back in

Forgive you

But then you go and again open a wound that was finally beginning to heal

You sabotage the lives of your loved ones

And then pretend it was them who hurt you

But what you don’t understand i they are not hurting you

They are trying to protect themselves from you

They are trying to protect themselves from you

Do you understand how completely and utterly screwed up that is?

A child should not have to protect themselves from their mother.

You have selfishly deprived your children of one of the most important relationships a person can have


I will continue to pray for you

And hold on to a tiny spark of hope that somehow you will change and evolve

And I forgive you for the wreckage you have created

But I do not feel sorry for you

You do not deserve the sympathy you crave so badly

I do not feel sorry for you


Dear little sister’s future boyfriend,

Dear little sister’s future boyfriend,

By: Kalee Farrell

The day you walk through our front door
Could either be the beginning of something wonderful
Or the beginning of a nasty end
It all depends on you
And your intentions

If you intend to stay
And stick to your word
You’re in for something amazing

If you intend to break her heart
You’re in for pain
And death

You see, I may look small
And I may seem unthreatening
But the moment you mess with any of my siblings
I become the hulk

See, if she’s introducing you to us
You already hold piece of her heart
I am the protector of that heart
It is my job to make sure it stays in good hands

If you break her heart
I will break you
Do not mistake my fake smile on our first introduction as trust
Or kindness
You do not get my kindness until I know you are worthy of my sister
And boy,
It is hard to be deemed worthy of my sister
At least it is in my eyes

There are some days where she may feel like she’s not worth much
But she is priceless
And you better treat her like it

Treat her like the princess she is
But do not let her know you are treating her like a princess
She might kill you

Do not try and fix her problems
She is a warrior
She can do it herself
Instead listen
And hold her
And remind her of her strength when she feels weak

If you want my permission to love the good
You must also love the bad

Your words better be uplifting
And caring
Never critical
Or hateful


Teach her that love can be beautiful

Show her how a man should treat a woman

How she should treat him

With love and kindness


Always be honest with her

Do not feed her lies

She deserves more than that

She deserves your loyalty


Give her happy days

Make her feel like she’s walking on air

Make her want to dance all over the place

Put her up on cloud nine

And do not let her fall

You better be the man she deserves
If you are not the man she deserves
She will leave

And I will help

Love her like you have never loved anything as much

Hold her like she’s the only thing you have ever held

See her for what she is

A gift

And know this
She does not need you or I to take care of her
She can do it herself
That Girl is powerful
But take care of her anyway
She may try and do it on her own
But she will need you from time to time

If you break my rules
Or hurt her
If I ever hear her sob tears caused by you
I will make sure you wish
You had never been born
Because she is my little sister
And I will protect her
until my last breath.


By Kathryn Gibralter


And I think I like him again.

Somedays I struggle with the reality of it.


But he makes me happy.

Those brown eyes.

I never liked brown eyes until I saw his.

A chocolatey color that doesn’t end at his irises.

They explain his past with one simple tormented look.


He doesn’t have to say anything.

I already know.

I won’t push him.

The fear of driving him away keeps ripping at my chest.

It won’t be me.

I’m not the reason he leaves.

It’s him.

It’s work, it’s sports, it’s school.

It won’t be another girl.

It can’t be another girl.


His bright eyes and genuine smile are charming. In the way that makes others look at him when they walk by. But I know he has eyes only for me.

When he thinks I’m not looking, I see him stare at me.

Marveling my very existence.

The thought of me has him on his toes, and I feel confident when his lips meet mine.


I don’t know if I love him.


I want to enjoy life with him.

I want to be happy in his presence or out of it.


I think I like him again.
Somedays I struggle with the reality that he’s really mine.